
CRM, Email & Loyalty

CRM covers a wide range of customer interactions, enabling customised outreach through various channels. By capturing valuable data, significant ROI can be achieved through intelligent CRM activations. 

Email Marketing

Email & CRM remain powerful tools because they provide the most direct connection between your business and the individual behaviours, interests, and lifestyles of your customers. Capturing an email address is now more valuable than ever, and our team excels at securing and maximising this first-party and zero-party data. We have delivered meaningful ROI to various clients through intelligent CRM activations.


We are technology and platform agnostic, which enables us to create custom solutions, integrations, and strategies that prioritise your customers' brand experience. Whether it involves hand-crafted landing pages within Marketo or advanced, multi-tiered workflows and AI for triggered email events in Iterable, we can help you maximise the value of your data sets and systems for lead generation, nurturing, and sales.

Intelligent Systems & Creative 

The most effective and revenue-driving emails and CRM messages leverage unique customer data records with timely outreach, smartly customised messaging, and visuals. We can assemble a dedicated team for you, led by our CRM practice and supported by world-class copywriting, exceptional design and animation experts, and professionals in systems integration, development, and tracking.

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with Croud

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